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Only when you learn to love yourself, are you able to truly love another.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Daily Munchies

It's been way too long since my last posting. It's either I don't "have time" or just simply have not been motivated. I think it is because I know there are many things I NEED to write about and just don't want to face them. :) Lovely procrastination.

So because my "followers" (sounds like a cult or something), are all close to my heart, I'm going to be forthright, open, and bluntly honest. All of you know about my recent decision to kick the nasty arse of an eating disorder that has taken the last eight years of my life and flushed it down the toilet. Part of that journey is the lovely "re-feeding" process. I could say that this is's human nature to eat food and  most know that it is nothting more than nourishment for the body. NOT to me. Food is the very thing that I have been fearful of and controlling over of for almost a decade. Try giving a person who has chosen to "rid" her body of any kind of food after eating, a meal, let alone three full meals and two snacks a day. Torture! Although an eating disorder is definitely an addiction, it is different from most. For when you are treating a crack addict, they do not face or see an ounce of crack during recovery/treatment, nor an alcoholic sees a drop of alcohol. But for an eating disorder, we see food DAILY and have to face it, eat it and keep it.

My body, muscles, digestive system, brain, heart, lungs, bones...None of it was used to having to digest, absorb, or rid the body of food, nutrients and waste. Now, it's having to re-learn...poor lil thing. The muscles in my digestive system are having to learn how to move the food through my intestines...definitely a strain on the GI system. EEEK. So all that to say, it's done a number on my body. I will post another post soon about what it has done exactly and the small victories that I have encountered as my body heals.

But today I want to talk about my food Because I used to stare at recipe after recipe for hours upon hours, (most definitely one of my eating disorder behaviors), I figure I could put this to good use.  So I have gotten a few recipes down. I have tacked bbq chicken, of which my family graciously ate, over and over again. SO, I ventured out and cooked my family pork, that i cooked with brown gravy in a croc pot, with carrots, mushrooms, green beans and brown rice. I THINK they liked it!! :) But my biggest venture is cooking for myself and eating alone. This would be the easiest time to either not eat, or rid myself of the food...but it's what you do when no one is watching that defines your character. Isn't that how the saying goes?? So, my dietition gave me a wonderful fish recipe that I cook a LOT and love.

For one person, the Ingredients:
1 filet of fish (any kind, salmon, tilapia...anything)
1 cup of veggies (could be broccoli, zuccini/squash, carrots, )
1/2 chopped sweet potato
olive oil
any other seasoning you would like for your fish

Place the chopped sweet potatoes in a piece of foil, sprincle a few drops of olive oil and a shake of pepper on top. Close the foil around it and place in the oven as it preheats to 450 degrees. While it heats up, chop your vegetable and season it and your fish with olive oil, salt & pepper. You can also add a little lemon juice or any other seasoning you would like. Once the oven is heated take foil with your sweet potatoes out of the oven, open and mix in the veggie with the potatoes and lay your fish filet on top. Reseal the foil and place in the oven for 20 min.

Whala...instant meal for one. :) On top of this, I also have a glass of milk, gass of water and cup of fruit (any kind). :) Yummy. But today, I did a little variation onf the recipe. I baked the fish and sweet potatoes and once cooked, laid it on a a bed of mixed red-tipped leafy greens, spinach leaves, chopped tomatos and apples. It was good.

Here are a few pictures of my cooking adventures. :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! I may have to try the filet and sweet potatoes recipe. Sounds easy - that's my kind of cooking ;)!
